JIFF provides intensive intervention services to at-risk youth ages 10-18 who are
referred through Memphis and Shelby County Juvenile Court in five unique ways.
Addresses and reduces juvenile crime and violence in Memphis by providing five programs which lend support and intervention to youth through a focused, individualized, and holistic approach. These programs are classroom-based with an emphasis on The Six H's: Head, Heart, Health, Home, Hire-ability, and Hobbies. Outside of the classroom, JIFF participants experience field-trips, opportunities for workforce training, one-on-one time with case mentors, and assistance in making daily positive steps. The goal is to work with court-referred youth in order to reduce recidivism, facilitate effective reentry, and plan for the future.

evening reporting center
Designed to provide a community-based alternative to detention, this short term (five days each week for twenty days), intensive supervision program provides highly targeted programming and positive activities in a structured environment for male youth, with a range of violent and nonviolent offenses, while remaining in their homes and community.
early intervention program
Formally known as Mediation and Restitution Reconciliation Services, the EIP provides programming in place of detention to males and females who typically have been charged with one to three nonviolent offenses. The goal is to use restorative justice practices that consist of community service, restitution agreements, mediation, and character development classes rather than juvenile detention. This program has maintained a 90% success rate since 1993.
This project is partially funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee, through the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth.

A four month intensive intervention program designed to give male youth, with an average of three or more arrests (some aggravated offenses), and their families the skills, support, and direction necessary to break the destructive cycle of crime. This program, since inception, has averaged a 65% success rate. Youth who do not succeed in completing this program are at high-risk for continuing deeper into the adult system.
LLT is a highly successful community volunteer-based mentoring program for youth who have completed one of JIFF’s other programs. Mentors are from the local community and provide their time, knowledge, experience, and love to help these young men and women grow, develop, and aspire to a thriving future. The goal of this program is to continue connection to JIFF and to have a supportive mentor after completing one of our programs. It is critical for our youth to continue with a mentor in order to pull the youth through to maturity and transformation. This program collaborates with the Memphis Grizzlies Foundation to provide free mentor training to all volunteers.

JIFF has a history of utilizing our commercial licensed kitchen to partner with culinary internship programs for JIFF. Through a partnership with Le Cole Culinary school their students interned with JIFF and trained JIFF youth, many who entered the restaurant industry upon completion. Sweet LaLa's Bakery and JIFF joined in partnership from 2014 - 2019 to create a pipeline into employment for JIFF youth. Once a participant graduated from one of JIFF programs, they became eligible to become a Sweet LaLa's employee and received Workforce Training Classes and certification opportunities. Sweet LaLa's employees maintained close contact with their JIFF Case Manager and the rest of the JIFF team throughout their employment. This program allowed the double-efficacy of JIFF support combined with Sweet LaLa's love and training to create a beautiful outcome of success and growth! One of our graduates, Dr. Sprinkles as he is affectionately called, is their Cookie Lead and is living his best life!